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Mrs Mactivity
Primary resources aligned with the national curriculum. EYFS, KS1 and KS2 resources to save you time & help children make progress. Each new member = one tree planted!
Press Customizr
Press Customizr designs high quality WordPress themes and plugins that allow 200K+ businesses and individuals to build a professional web presence.
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Use our church WordPress themes to build a better church website. Join thousands of churches using our WordPress themes to attract more visitors.
FameThemes specializes in designing elegant, clean and beautiful WordPress Themes for smart people like you.
Waring Brooke, Knitting British attire. Specialists in contemporary knitted designs. Inspired by the countryside and field sports for the sophisticated country lady and gent. Can be worn in both rural and urban locations. We provide the modern woman and man with timeless, wearable wardrobe essentials. Made in Britain.
MedStudentNotes has the most comprehensive range of medical study notes and education resources for medical students, PA students & student doctors. From high-yield PDF study summaries of all medical topics, including human anatomy, physiology, and pathology, to clinical examination videos.
TalentAlign OD
Modern Organisation Development (OD) advice, solutions, services and products, to unlock your Business, People and Technology to respond to change and become "Future Fit"
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Ultimate Dashboard
Do you want to customize the WordPress dashboard? With Ultimate Dashboard, you can completely change the look of the admin area.
TEFL Fullcircle TEFL Fullcircle
TEFL Fullcircle offers you Accredited Online TEFL Courses & Training. Our vision is to help you teach and travel abroad with a 120 Hour or 160 Hour Online TEFL Course.