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Treasure Data vs. Tail

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Treasure Data and Tail.

Treasure Data

About Treasure Data

Treasure Data is the only enterprise customer data platform.


About Tail

Tail is a customer data management platform.

Treasure Data and Tail Customers

CASIOCustom Cart
We will promptly provide the newest information regarding popular CASIO products, such as G-SHOCK, Watches, Electronic Musical Instruments, Calculators, and Medical Devices.
VOGUE IndiaCustom Cart
VOGUE India is the one-stop destination for women's fashion, beauty, lifestyle and entertainment content. Get fashion & beauty tips from experts, and celeb-inspiration for looks, home decor, and more.
www.mms.comCustom Cart
Unique personalized gifts for all occasions! Need a custom gift for a special person or milestone event? Create personalized gifts and party favors today at
Droga RaiaMagento
Droga Raia, sua farmácia online 24 horas com delivery. Aproveite nossas ofertas no site ou pelo app e retire seus pedidos na loja ou receba-os em casa.
TIMDrupal Commerce
No site TIM você encontra os melhores planos de Celular, Banda Larga e Fixo. Acesse a 2ª via da sua conta, efetue recargas, conheça o Pré XIP e muito mais!
Drogasil, sua farmácia online 24 horas com delivery. Aproveite nossas ofertas no site ou pelo app e retire seus pedidos na loja ou receba-os em casa.

Total Customers by Region

Top 3 Regions of Treasure Data Customers

  1. Japan (51-100 Customers)
  2. United States (31-50 Customers)
  3. India (1-10 Customers)
View more Treasure Data statistics

Top 2 Regions of Tail Customers

  1. Brazil (51-100 Customers)
  2. Panama (1-10 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Total Customers by Industry

Top 3 Categories of Treasure Data Customers

  1. Autos & Vehicles (21-30 Customers)
  2. Food & Drink (11-20 Customers)
  3. Apparel (11-20 Customers)
View more Treasure Data statistics

Top 3 Categories of Tail Customers

  1. Apparel (1-10 Customers)
  2. Sports (1-10 Customers)
  3. Health (1-10 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Customers Distributed by Monthly Sales

Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Treasure Data Customers

  1. $100.00K to $1.00M (11-20 Customers)
  2. $1.00M to $10.00M (21-30 Customers)
  3. $10.00M to $100.00M (51-100 Customers)
View more Treasure Data statistics

Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Tail Customers

  1. $100.00K to $1.00M (1-10 Customers)
  2. $1.00M to $10.00M (1-10 Customers)
  3. $10.00M to $100.00M (11-20 Customers)
View more Tail statistics