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OXID eShop Order Tracking

Total OXID eShop Stores by Region

The eCommerce industry develops at different stages in various regions. Among the platforms we monitor, Germany stands out with the highest number of online stores, indicating the prosperity of its eCommerce economy. Additionally, both Austria and Switzerland have a strong presence of online shops, accounting for 4.24% and 3.42% of the global online store market.

Czech Republic251.03%
United Kingdom160.66%
United States150.62%

Total OXID eShop Stores by Industry

Here is a statistical breakdown illustrating the industries to which eCommerce stores belong, along with the proportions of each category. We observe that Apparel represents the industry in which most online store owners compete, capturing 17.28% of the market share. Home & Garden and Sports are also popular choices among owners, ranking second and third on the list. Additionally, other noteworthy industries in eCommerce include Computers, Toys & Hobbies and Business & Industrial. They hold 6.70%, 6.26% and 6.05% of the market share, respectively.

Home & Garden6714.47%
Toys & Hobbies296.26%
Business & Industrial286.05%
Food & Drink286.05%
Arts & Entertainment245.18%
Beauty & Fitness163.46%

OXID eShop Stores

Cyberpuerta.mxOXID eShop
Venta en línea de Hardware, Computadoras, Laptops, Impresoras, Monitores y más.✓Precios accesibles ✓Excelente servicio ✓55,000 productos ✓15 años en el mercado ✓500,000+ clientes
Employee count: 201-300
Estimated monthly revenue: 1M-10M
Shop.comOXID eShop
Europas TOP Halloween Shop ✮ ALLES für HALLOWEEN ► Kostüme, Horror Masken & Deko ► MEHR als 40.000 Artikel sofort lieferbar ► Viele Zahlarten ✔ Blitzversand ✔
Employee count: 1-10
Estimated monthly revenue: 201K-300K
www.platinum.comOXID eShop
Premium Hundefutter und Katzenfutter: Nahrung statt Futter! ✓ Mit hohem Fleischanteil ► Für unsere besten Freunde nur das Beste!
Employee count: 31-50
Estimated monthly revenue: 21M-30M
Official Sioux Online ShopOXID eShop
Fashionable and comfortable shoes with perfect fit directly from the inventor of moccasin ✓ Directlya from the manufacturer ✓ Genuine craftsmanship ✓
Estimated monthly revenue: 51M-100M
STEINEL - The inventors' company. Wir sind Ihr Spezialist für Sensorik, Sensorlicht und Thermowerkzeuge.
Employee count: 101-200
Estimated monthly revenue: 21M-30M
Schindelhauer BikesOXID eShop
Schindelhauer Bikes - Elegant-sportliche Fahrräder mit Zahnriemenantrieb für den urbanen Raum.
Employee count: 11-20
Estimated monthly revenue: 11M-20M
Abasteo.mxOXID eShop
Proveedor de Computadoras, Hardware y Soluciones TI para empresas Mexicanas. ✓Precios accesibles ✓Excelente servicio ✓40.000 productos ✓9 años en el mercado ✓30.000+ clientes
Employee count: 21-30
Estimated monthly revenue: 31M-50M
Pepperworld Hot ShopOXID eShop
Chili Shop für Scharfschmecker! Chili Samen, Chili Pflanzen, Frische Chilis, Gewürze, Hot Sauce, BBQ Sauce aus aller Welt | 100% Natural | Versand frei ab 50€
Employee count: 1-10
Estimated monthly revenue: 21M-30M
Jelitto Perennial SeedOXID eShop
Jelitto Perennial Seeds specializes since 1957 in seed production, breeding and seed technology, and offers seeds of perennials, annuals, biennials, ornamental grasses, herbs, etc.
Employee count: 1-10
Estimated monthly revenue: 11M-20M
FILA EuropaOXID eShop
Exzellente Sportswear, lässige Urban Looks und trendige Designs: jetzt online in unserem Onlineshop | FILA Europa
Employee count: 1K-10K
Estimated monthly revenue: 201K-300K
TECH ComputerOXID eShop
Eine große Auswahl an High End PC findest du auf unseren Seiten für Einsteiger sowie für Fortgeschrittene und Profis geeignete Hardware zum fairen Preis
Estimated monthly revenue: 31M-50M
Berliner ZinnfigurenOXID eShop
Online-Shop der Berliner Zinnfiguren und des Preussischen Bücherkabinett: Zinnfiguren, Flachfiguren, vollplastischen Miniaturen, Modellbau, Modellbausätze, Fachbücher Militärgeschichte und Uniformkunde, Pinsel und Farben
Employee count: 1-10
Estimated monthly revenue: 201K-300K