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webEdition vs. imperia CMS

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of webEdition and imperia CMS.

webEdition and imperia CMS Customers

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Total Customers by Region

Top 1 Regions of webEdition Customers

  1. Germany (1-10 Customers)
View more webEdition statistics

Top 3 Regions of imperia CMS Customers

  1. Germany (1-10 Customers)
  2. Switzerland (1-10 Customers)
  3. Netherlands (1-10 Customers)
View more imperia CMS statistics

Total Customers by Industry

Top 1 Categories of webEdition Customers

  1. Home & Garden (1-10 Customers)
View more webEdition statistics

Top 3 Categories of imperia CMS Customers

  1. Internet (1-10 Customers)
  2. Business & Industrial (1-10 Customers)
  3. Computers (1-10 Customers)
View more imperia CMS statistics

Customers Distributed by Monthly Sales

Top 2 Monthly Sales Distributed of webEdition Customers

  1. $1.00M to $10.00M (1-10 Customers)
  2. $10.00M to $100.00M (1-10 Customers)
View more webEdition statistics

Top 2 Monthly Sales Distributed of imperia CMS Customers

  1. $10.00M to $100.00M (1-10 Customers)
  2. $100.00M to $1.00B (1-10 Customers)
View more imperia CMS statistics