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Tail vs. BlueConic

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Tail and BlueConic.


About Tail

Tail is a customer data management platform.


About BlueConic

BlueConic is the advanced customer data platform that liberates companies' first-party data from disparate systems.

Tail and BlueConic Customers

Droga RaiaMagento
Droga Raia, sua farmácia online 24 horas com delivery. Aproveite nossas ofertas no site ou pelo app e retire seus pedidos na loja ou receba-os em casa.
TIMDrupal Commerce
No site TIM você encontra os melhores planos de Celular, Banda Larga e Fixo. Acesse a 2ª via da sua conta, efetue recargas, conheça o Pré XIP e muito mais!
Drogasil, sua farmácia online 24 horas com delivery. Aproveite nossas ofertas no site ou pelo app e retire seus pedidos na loja ou receba-os em casa.
Dollar Tree StoresOracle CX Commerce
Shop online for bulk Dollar Tree products, perfect for restaurants, businesses, schools, churches, party planners & anyone looking for quality supplies in bulk.
BrevilleCustom Cart
Breville is a world leader in kitchen and cooking appliances, including ovens, cookers, coffee machines, and more. Master every moment with Breville.
RevZillaCustom Cart
Motorcycle jackets, helmets & gear with fast free shipping, HD video reviews, cash back and no-hassle returns. RevZilla offers the best service in the industry on motorcycle gear.

Total Customers by Region

Top 2 Regions of Tail Customers

  1. Brazil (51-100 Customers)
  2. Panama (1-10 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Top 3 Regions of BlueConic Customers

  1. United States (51-100 Customers)
  2. Netherlands (21-30 Customers)
  3. United Kingdom (1-10 Customers)
View more BlueConic statistics

Total Customers by Industry

Top 3 Categories of Tail Customers

  1. Apparel (1-10 Customers)
  2. Sports (1-10 Customers)
  3. Health (1-10 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Top 3 Categories of BlueConic Customers

  1. Home & Garden (11-20 Customers)
  2. Food & Drink (11-20 Customers)
  3. Autos & Vehicles (1-10 Customers)
View more BlueConic statistics

Customers Distributed by Monthly Sales

Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Tail Customers

  1. $100.00K to $1.00M (1-10 Customers)
  2. $1.00M to $10.00M (21-30 Customers)
  3. $10.00M to $100.00M (31-50 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of BlueConic Customers

  1. $10.00K to $100.00K (1-10 Customers)
  2. $100.00K to $1.00M (11-20 Customers)
  3. $1.00M to $10.00M (31-50 Customers)
View more BlueConic statistics