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Segmanta vs. Wufoo

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Segmanta and Wufoo.


About Segmanta

Segmanta is a mobile-first survey platform designed for product feedback, brand awareness and concept testing research.


About Wufoo

Wufoo is an online form builder that creates forms including contact forms, online payments, online surveys and event registrations.

Segmanta and Wufoo Customers

The Art of Shaving offers elegant hand-crafted razors & shaving accessories for men. Our unrivaled products will elevate shaving from an act to an art.
Encontrá en Pampers todo sobre el embarazo semana a semana, el desarrollo del bebé, baby shower y consejos prácticos para mamás y papás. ¡Entrá ahora!

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Total Customers by Region

Top 2 Regions of Segmanta Customers

  1. Argentina (1-10 Customers)
  2. United States (1-10 Customers)
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Total Customers by Industry

Top 1 Categories of Segmanta Customers

  1. Beauty & Fitness (1-10 Customers)
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Customers Distributed by Monthly Sales

Top 2 Monthly Sales Distributed of Segmanta Customers

  1. $1.00M to $10.00M (1-10 Customers)
  2. $10.00M to $100.00M (1-10 Customers)
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