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Okendo vs. U-KOMI

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Okendo and U-KOMI.


About Okendo

Okendo is a customer marketing platform with product ratings and reviews, customer photos and videos to help personalise experiences.


About U-KOMI

U-KOMI is a user generated content review marketing tool.

Okendo and U-KOMI Customers

This Is How We Do... Shoes! Express yourself when you shop Katy Perry's Footwear Collection, designed from the creative mind of the musician herself!
Skincare essentials developed by Hailey Rhode Bieber. Designed to nourish your skin barrier, giving instant dewy glow and improving the look of skin over time.
Shop our clinically effective, fruit-forward, clean skincare for glowing skin. Free samples with every order.
kawashima-ya.jpColor Me Shop
オーガニック、無農薬、無添加の玄米、三年番茶、梅干し、三年味噌、化粧品などを販売しています。 ナチュラルで豊かな生活にお役立てください。
【公式】ホームセンター通販 DCMオンラインは、豊富な商品50万点以上、店舗受取なら送料無料!