Netcore Cloud vs. Squeezely
Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Netcore Cloud and Squeezely.
At a Glance
Netcore Cloud
About Netcore Cloud
Netcore Cloud is a globally recognised marketing technology SaaS company.
About Squeezely
Squeezely is a customer data platform (CDP) that provides technical capabilities for data collection, segmentation, audience targeting, campaign orchestration, and analytics, empowering businesses to personalise customer experiences and optimise marketing efforts.
Netcore Cloud and Squeezely Customers
TobiCustom Cart
Asian PaintsCustom Cart
Holzkern HolzuhrenMagento
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Top 3 Regions of Netcore Cloud Customers
- India (51-100 Customers)
- United States (11-20 Customers)
- Australia (1-10 Customers)
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Top 3 Categories of Netcore Cloud Customers
- Apparel (31-50 Customers)
- Home & Garden (21-30 Customers)
- Food & Drink (11-20 Customers)
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Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Netcore Cloud Customers
- $10.00K to $100.00K (1-10 Customers)
- $100.00K to $1.00M (21-30 Customers)
- $1.00M to $10.00M (31-50 Customers)
View more Netcore Cloud statistics