Judge.me vs. Societe des Avis Garantis
Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Judge.me and Societe des Avis Garantis.
At a Glance
Societe des Avis Garantis
About Societe des Avis Garantis
Societe des Avis Garantis is a French company that provides customer review and rating services for businesses through its online platform.
Judge.me and Societe des Avis Garantis Customers
Wrangler®Salesforce Commerce Cloud
Lion Brand YarnShopify
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Top 3 Regions of Judge.me Customers
- United States (1K-10K Customers)
- Australia (1K-10K Customers)
- Canada (1K-10K Customers)
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Top 3 Categories of Judge.me Customers
- Apparel (1K-10K Customers)
- Home & Garden (1K-10K Customers)
- Beauty & Fitness (1K-10K Customers)
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Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Judge.me Customers
- $1.00K to $10.00K (1-10 Customers)
- $10.00K to $100.00K (201-300 Customers)
- $100.00K to $1.00M (1K-10K Customers)
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