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Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service vs. Tail

Take a look at this side-by-side comparison of Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service and Tail.

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service

About Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service creates identity graphs that hold customer profiles and the known identifiers that belong to individual consumers.


About Tail

Tail is a customer data management platform.

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service and Tail Customers

The DepotCustom Cart
Shop online for all your home improvement needs: appliances, bathroom decorating ideas, kitchen remodeling, patio furniture, power tools, bbq grills, carpeting, lumber, concrete, lighting, ceiling fans and more at The Home Depot.
Nike. Just Do ItCustom Cart
Inspiring the world's athletes, Nike delivers innovative products, experiences and services.
Samsung USCustom Cart
Discover the latest in electronic & smart appliance technology with Samsung. Find the next big thing from smartphones & tablets to laptops & tvs & more.
Droga RaiaMagento
Droga Raia, sua farmácia online 24 horas com delivery. Aproveite nossas ofertas no site ou pelo app e retire seus pedidos na loja ou receba-os em casa.
TIMDrupal Commerce
No site TIM você encontra os melhores planos de Celular, Banda Larga e Fixo. Acesse a 2ª via da sua conta, efetue recargas e muito mais!
Drogasil, sua farmácia online 24 horas com delivery. Aproveite nossas ofertas no site ou pelo app e retire seus pedidos na loja ou receba-os em casa.

Total Customers by Region

Top 3 Regions of Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service Customers

  1. United States (1K-10K Customers)
  2. Canada (51-100 Customers)
  3. India (31-50 Customers)
View more Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service statistics

Top 2 Regions of Tail Customers

  1. Brazil (51-100 Customers)
  2. Panama (1-10 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Total Customers by Industry

Top 3 Categories of Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service Customers

  1. Autos & Vehicles (501-1K Customers)
  2. Apparel (201-300 Customers)
  3. Sports (101-200 Customers)
View more Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service statistics

Top 3 Categories of Tail Customers

  1. Apparel (1-10 Customers)
  2. Sports (1-10 Customers)
  3. Beauty & Fitness (1-10 Customers)
View more Tail statistics

Customers Distributed by Monthly Sales

Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service Customers

  1. $10.00K to $100.00K (31-50 Customers)
  2. $100.00K to $1.00M (101-200 Customers)
  3. $1.00M to $10.00M (501-1K Customers)
View more Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service statistics

Top 3 Monthly Sales Distributed of Tail Customers

  1. $100.00K to $1.00M (1-10 Customers)
  2. $1.00M to $10.00M (21-30 Customers)
  3. $10.00M to $100.00M (31-50 Customers)
View more Tail statistics